Mhaisal - a village, on the banks of the river Krishna, is in Sangli district of the western state of Maharashtra. Being on the boundary between Karnataka and Maharashtra, it is a confluence of cultures, languages and religions. Though the official language is Marathi, almost seventy percent of the population is bi-lingual. The highway to Bijapur and Belgaum, passes through the village. Agriculture is the main occupation, with sugar-cane, and grapes being the most important crops. Mhaisalkars are lovers of festivals, which are celebrated all year round with fervor and gaiety. (Map)
It is fortuitous that not only do I hail from Mhaisal, but chose, to spend my life here.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Have You Stopped?

Many years ago, an advertisement used to run on TV, a very successful man in the back seat of his new chauffeur driven car (I think it was a HM "Contessa") is stalled on a country road, as a shepherd boy with his herd just cannot get the sheep to clear the way. The chauffeur is forced to stop the majestic car, the man just rolls down the window glass and smiles at the boy benignly. How many times have we done this? Our usual reaction is to rant and fume. We all hate being stalled.

Time we all know is one of the most valuable resources, unfortunately, our understanding of it's flow is rather patchy. Hence, when a value is to be attached to it, it is purely a subjective exercise.
One wonders, why time flies, under some circumstances, and at others, seems not to move at all? Einstein, while explaining the theory of relativity, has given some very interesting examples of the subjectivity of time. He has been quoted to have said, "Put Your Hand on a Hot Stove for a Minute, and It Seems like an Hour. Sit with a Pretty Girl for an Hour, and It Seems like a Minute. THAT'S Relativity".

Most of us have seen patients wired to an oscilloscope. The running cardiogram on the oscilloscope screen, with its interesting patterns, repeating over and over again assure us a beating heart, but in the unfortunate circumstance of the demise of the patient, there is nothing but a straight line seen on the phosphor screen. The question is, has Time stopped for the deceased? The wave form, we all know is generated by the superimposition of the pulses from the probes, on a time line generated by the machine. Then isn't it true that what really gives meaning to the time line, is not just it's elapse, but the pulse that is being imposed on it?
Let us make the most of this non renewable resource, by stretching it, in such a way that gives us the most happiness.
Most of us work hard, so that, we have the means to bring happiness to ourselves and our dear ones. We need to know the "Stops" in this journey, so that we enjoy the fruits of our toils.

Ask yourself,
Have you ever stopped, to watch the Sunset on your way back home?
Have you ever stopped, to pat that stray dog, who came to you with a wagging tail?
Have you ever stopped, to gaze at the night sky and wonder at our insignificance?
Have you ever stopped boarding a train, just to watch, the busy people on the platform?
Have you ever stopped, to recite "The Daffodils", to your little one?
If you haven't! Do Do Stop Awhile.