Since childhood I have loved "Bird watching". My uncle Dr. Jaysingrao had an old copy of Dr. Salim Ali's, "The Book of Indian Birds" . Whenever we spotted a different species, we would read all about it. Even before spotting the bird, we would try to guess it, by just listening to its song. The differences between the sexes, in most avian species, was another interesting point. I was fascinated by the fact that the male was always smarter looking ,(As against humans, where women, I believe are certainly better looking).
The photographs below have been shot using a "Sony Digital Cybershot DSC H7" camera with 15X zoom. I have referred to "A Pictoral Guide to the Birds of the Indian Subcontinent", by John Henry Dick, with Dr. Salim Ali and Dillon Ripley, published by Bombay Natural History Society. ( In case I have identified some of the birds wrongly do inform me, so that I can make the necessary corrections). If any one wishes to have a "higher resolution" copy of any of the pictures do email me at




